Useful Resources

Useful Resources

This is a library of resources that could be useful if you’re looking to learn more, find inspiration or get involved with conservation projects in some way. If you would like to suggest a resource for us to add, please let us know here. 

Key Conservation is helping conservationists gain critical funding and global support through a mobile app that provides real-time updates on day-to-day campaigns. We are fighting hopelessness with action. Can one person really make a difference? We know they can, we’ve seen it. Now imagine how big the impact could be if there was a platform that empowered individuals to take action on a global scale. That’s where Key Conservation comes in. Learn more here. 

The World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas is managed by BirdLife International on behalf of the KBA Partnership. It hosts data on global and regional Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), including Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas identified by the BirdLife International Partnership, Alliance for Zero Extinction sites, KBAs identified through hotspot ecosystem profiles supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, and a small number of other KBAs. The database was developed from the World Bird and Biodiversity Database (WBDB) managed by BirdLife International. Learn more here.

FREE Conservation Resources – We give conservationists worldwide the skills and support they need to design and deliver conservation projects that have more impact. Select and download a free best practice to increase the impact of your conservation work

We learn from other sectors and work with experienced conservationists from around the world to bring you practical guidelines that are grounded in reality. Learn more here.

Restor is accelerating the conservation and restoration of nature for the benefit of people, biodiversity, and climate. Restor connects people and projects to scientific data, monitoring tools, funding, and each other to increase the impact, scale, and sustainability of these efforts. We believe that anyone can be a restoration champion. Learn more here.

BioTIME is a comprehensive collection of assemblage time-series in which the abundances of the species that comprise ecological communities have been monitored over a number of years. BioTIME data span the globe and encompass land and seas; they also include freshwater systems. The current version of BioTIME contains over 12 million records, features almost 50 thousand species, covers over 600 thousand distinct geographic locations and is representative of over 20 biomes, occurring over 6 different climatic zones. BioTIME follows the guiding principles of FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable). Learn more here.

Global Forest Watch (GFW) offers the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better protect forests. It is an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing around the world. Learn more here.

Global Rewilding Alliance Map. The Global Rewilding Alliance (GRA) is a growing network of more than 130 practitioner and messenger organizations, with a common mission to rewild the Earth and stabilize the climate where restored wild lands and seas provide a secure future for people, nature and the planet. We are an official implementation partner of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Alliance members are working to rewild more than 100 million hectares of land and sea in more than 70 countries. The GRA connects people working on rewilding in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, North America and globally. With respect and inclusion for age, gender, culture and origin, the Alliance works towards agreed targets and aims to ensure that common messages are understood, practical actions undertaken, and results achieved. Learn more here.

Rewilding Successes brings you inspiring stories about nature’s rebounding from all corners of the Earth. It is published by The Ecological Citizen. Learn more here.

Conservation Evidence is a free, authoritative information resource designed to support decisions about how to maintain and restore global biodiversity. It summarises evidence from the scientific literature about the effects of conservation interventions, such as methods of habitat or species management. Learn more here

Conservation Jobs – Welcome to the biggest conservation job board, online. We list over 15,000 conservation jobs each year, from across the globe. These include early-career conservation jobsmid-levelsenior-level roles, and conservation jobs for Career Switchers. Learn more here.

EarthRanger is a software solution that aids protected area managers, ecologists, and wildlife biologists in making more informed operational decisions for wildlife conservation. EarthRanger collects, integrates, and displays all historical and available remote sensing data available and combines it with reports from the field to provide one unified view of collared wildlife, rangers, enforcement assets, and infrastructure within a protected area. Learn more here.

Wildlife Insights streamlines decision-making by providing machine learning models and other tools to manage, analyze and share camera trap data. With access to reliable data, everyone can make better decisions to help wildlife thrive. Learn more here. 

Wild Me builds open software and artificial intelligence for the conservation research community. We are machine learning experts and software professionals supporting you in the fight against species extinction.

We support effective and rapid animal population assessment and research with open-source platforms that provide long-term data curation, high-speed data processing with AI, and collaboration across borders and regions of study. Learn more here.

Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security (PAWS) – AI that takes data about previous poaching activities and outputs routes for patrols based on where poaching is likely to occur. The core algorithm of PAWS integrates learning poachers’ behavior model, game-theoretic reasoning and route planning.  These routes are randomized to keep poachers from learning patrol patterns. Using machine learning PAWS can continually find new insights as more data is added. Learn more here.

Camera Traps – A place to discuss camera trap troubleshooting, compare models, collaborate with members working with other technologies like machine learning and bioacoustics, or share and exchange data from your camera trap research. All are welcome whether you are new to camera trapping, have expertise from the field to share, or are curious about how your skill sets can help those working with camera traps. Learn more here.

Bioacoustic Monitoring – Collecting and analysing acoustic data from every type of wildlife, from birds and bats to big cats, and even reptiles! Learn more here.

Biologging – Real-time tracking of animal movements is enabling more effective and efficient wildlife monitoring for management, security, and research. As devices get smaller and prices drop, the possibilities for using biologging on a larger scale have grown, and so have the possibilities for increasing customisation to meet specific research needs. Likewise, real-time tracking of illegal wildlife trade, timber, and fish products as they move from source to consumer can shed light on trafficking routes and actors, as well as support enforcement, making tracking gear a powerful tool beyond the field. Learn more here.

AI For Conservation – Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in the field to analyse information collected by wildlife conservationists, from camera trap and satellite images to audio recordings. AI can learn how to identify which photos out of thousands contain rare species; or pinpoint an animal call out of hours of field recordings – hugely reducing the manual labour required to collect vital conservation data. Learn more here.

Remote Sensing and GIS – Every day, mapping and spatial analysis are aiding conservation decisions, protected areas designation, habitat management on reserves and monitoring of wildlife populations, to name but a few examples. If you are excited by the ways in which GIS is used in conservation, this is for you! Learn more here

Esri is the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping. Since 1969, we have supported customers with geographic science and geospatial analytics, what we call The Science of Where. We take a geographic approach to problem-solving, brought to life by modern GIS technology. We are committed to using science and technology to build a sustainable world. Learn more here.

Mongabay’s global directory of reforestation and tree-planting projects is a starting point for people wanting to support reforestation. The idea is to help identify projects that align with a diversity of motivations and interests, Mongabay gathered information on 36 criteria that experts say are key to success and organized them into categories: contextual, ecological, economic, social, and institutional. Learn more here.

The Amphibian Specialist Group provides the scientific foundation to inform effective amphibian conservation action around the world. More specifically, the ASG stimulates, develops and conducts scientific research to inform the conservation of amphibians and their habitats around the world, supports the assessment of the conservation status of amphibian biodiversity and informs the general public of amphibian conservation-related issues and priorities. This is attained by supporting and mobilizing a global network of members to develop capacity, improve coordination and integration so as to achieve shared, strategic amphibian conservation goals. Learn more here.

Conservation Careers – The Key Conservation Roles is a new road map designed to support aspiring conservationists and career switchers to navigate the sector and find their path. Learn more here.

Conservation Careers – Our Ultimate Guides give you in-depth answers to your top questions about working in conservation. From the 15 key conservation job types, to the top paid and free internships, to how to apply for jobs, you’ll find it here. 

International Journal of Wilderness

The International Journal of Wilderness (IJW) is the tool of choice for wilderness professionals, managers, and advocates, produced through a unique collaboration between the WILD Foundation and its many partners and sponsors. The IJW links wilderness professionals, scientists, educators, environmentalists, and interested citizens worldwide with a forum for investigating and discussing:

– wilderness ideas and issues
– inspirational ideas and international perspectives
– wilderness and conservation planning and management strategies
– education and communication techniques
– practical research of management approaches for wilderness stewardship

Each issue contains peer-reviewed research articles and feature presentations from numerous countries, as well as book reviews and additional online content. It presents the latest in wilderness research and practice, while also examining issues related to the sustainability of wildlands internationally, community involvement in protected areas, and policy issues. Learn more here. 

Mongabay is a nonprofit environmental science and conservation news platform that produces original reporting in EnglishIndonesianSpanishFrenchHindi, and Brazilian Portuguese by leveraging over 800 correspondents in some 70 countries. We are dedicated to evidence-driven objective journalism. Learn more here.

The Goldman Environmental Prize honors the achievements and leadership of grassroots environmental activists from around the world, inspiring all of us to take action to protect our planet. The Prize recognizes individuals for sustained and significant efforts to protect and enhance the natural environment, often at great personal risk. The Goldman Prize views “grassroots” leaders as those involved in local efforts, where positive change is created through community or citizen participation. Through recognizing these individual leaders, the Prize seeks to inspire other ordinary people to take extraordinary actions to protect the natural world. Learn more here.

The Equator Initiative provides opportunities for indigenous peoples and local communities around the world to address the challenges of land degradation, biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement in a socially equitable manner. The Equator Prize, organized by the Equator Initiative within the United Nations Development Programme, is awarded biennially to recognize outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. As sustainable community initiatives take root throughout the tropics, they are laying the foundation for a global movement of local successes that are collectively making a contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As local and indigenous groups across the tropics demonstrate and exemplify sustainable development, the Equator Prize shines a spotlight on their efforts by celebrating them on an international stage. Learn more here.

Maliasili – Our mission is to accelerate community-based conservation through local organizations. Our work is ultimately designed to address the damage and degradation of natural ecosystems—and their value for biodiversity, wildlife, and climate—that is accelerating around the world. Our purpose is to expand, strengthen, and sustain community-based approaches to conservation and natural resource management. Learn more here.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation –  Gordon and Betty Moore established the foundation to create positive outcomes for future generations. Guided by this vision and the Statement of Founders’ Intent, each day we strive to make a significant and positive impact on the world. We tackle large, important issues at a scale where we believe we can make significant and measurable impacts. We know that our ability to take risks and make long-term and relatively large commitments allows us to undertake challenges not accessible to many other organizations.

We foster path-breaking scientific discovery, environmental conservation, patient care improvements, and preservation of the special character of the Bay Area. Learn more here.

Africa in Conservation Biology is a platform designed to enhance the visibility of African and/or Africa-based conservation professionals. It is also designed to foster collaborations for the benefit of African conservation.  Learn more here.

The Australian Acoustic Observatory (A2O) is a continental-scale acoustic sensor network, recording for a five-year period across multiple Australian ecosystems. Learn more here.

The objective of our groundbreaking European Rewilding Network (ERN) is to bring these initiatives closer together, empowering each network member with the information and tools to be more successful in their rewilding endeavours. We want to establish a living network of myriad rewilding initiatives, supporting them and facilitating the adoption of best rewilding practices and methodologies. Learn more here.

What is Biodiversity and Why Does its Loss Matter? Biodiversity is the name we give to the variety of all life on Earth. Bacteria to baboons, plants to people – the range of life on our planet is incredible.

All living things exist within their own communities, or ecosystems – oceans, forests, deserts, ice caps and even cities. All this put together is biodiversity: the volume of life on Earth as well as how different species interact with each other and with the physical world around them. Learn more here.

What is Biodiversity? – It is defined as the variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity covers three main topics, the genetic diversity, the diversity of species and the diversity of the ecosystems they inhabit.The air you breathe and the food you eat all rely on biodiversity, which is in perilous decline because of us. What we do in the next few years will determine the fate of biodiversity, and life on Earth. Learn more here.

What is Biodiversity? (“Bio” = living things; “Diversity” = variety) What comes to mind when you think of Biodiversity? Is it the plants and animals in your backyard, from the ones you can see to the ones that you can’t? Is it the different shapes, sizes and colours of the trees around you? Do you think about how some animals have stripes, while others have spots? Or how some have feathers, fur or scales? Biodiversity is all around us, and it forms the foundation for everything we know about nature today. Learn more here.

What is Rewilding?  Nature has the power to heal itself and to heal us, if we let it. That’s what rewilding is all about; restoring ecosystems to the point where nature can take care of itself, and restoring our relationship with the natural world. Reconnecting with what matters. Learn more here.

Reasons for Rewilding – For anyone unfamiliar with the term ‘rewilding’ you’re likely to hazard a well-educated guess that it’s an environmental movement aimed at reintroducing native flora and fauna. And yes, in terms of its benefits to wildlife conservation, you’d be right. However, as well as environmental stewardship, rewilding offers an abundance of not so obvious, but equally as important ecological, social and economic benefits. Here are five reasons why rewilding is so important. Learn more here.

Rewilding vs. Conservation – Rewilding and conservation are both concepts that can be difficult to define and separate correctly since both can mean different things to different people. But how can we break these two different environmental protection approaches down, and how do they differ, along with the pros and cons of each? Learn more here.

CoalitionWILD Action Toolkit – Start protecting nature in your community. This toolkit provides some key resources to help you begin your journey. Download it here

Engaging With The Media By David Thomas et al via CoalitionWILD
Get your message across to a wider audience. This toolkit will help with messaging and targeting on press conferences, social media, and more. Download it here.

The #NatureForAll Playbook By Nature For All et al via CoalitionWILD
An action guide for inspiring the love of nature (for a global audience) through suggestions and possibilities. Download it here